Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bye Bye Blogs!

Hey guys! Just a heads up for those of you who are still checking the
blogs....I'll be removing your access to the blogs the week of August 13.
Sorry to do this, but I hope you understand I have to make way for the new
If you create your own blogging group, shoot me an email. I'll love to see
what everyone is up to! Keep reading and writing, and best of luck to
everyone in high school! :)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Summer Reading

I hope you are all enjoying your first weekend out of school--too bad it's
so rainy! But rainy days are great days for reading, so here are your
summer reading books:
If you are in regular English I, you need to read "They Cage the Animals
at Night." Students who received my signature for Honors English I need to
read "The Marino Mission."
Right now I'm reading a book called "The Glass Castle," which is a memoir.
So far it's pretty good.
I'll be checking in regularly, so let everyone know how your summer is

Monday, May 28, 2007

iTunes ?

Alright, my little tech-savvy kids, a question for you:
If I can import a CD into iTunes, can I import my DVDs to watch on my new
Let me know, please!

Monday, May 21, 2007

End of School... 6 1/2 days left.

Summer is almost here.

What is everyone doing over the summer?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Writing Scores

The FCAT writing scores are now available on Virtual Counselor. (Pull down
the menu bar to SSS Writing Scores).
I am incredibly proud of ALL of you! Great job! :)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Extra Credit!

I think that we should have some other extra credit because some of the students in the classes grades are low, we have a low risk of bringing them up. I know we just had extra credit but i think that we need more. I would love to bring up my grade in the class. Please think about giving us some type of extra credit to bring up our grade!

Thank you.

Virginia Tech

Why did the people from the neighborhood of Virgina Tech sing the national anthem instead of Amazing Grace or something like that?

Can someone please help me understand that?